Providing quality product to the Healing Hands.

Orion Scientific

Heliflex AT


the most complete range of stationary phases for Conventional-GC, FAST-GC, Wide Bore GC, Chiral-GC, GC-MS

special and innovative products for Multidimensional-GC (including GCxGC), High Temperature GC and more

unsurpassed Quality, Efficiency and Inertness; we produce and test each column one-by-one to assure a perfect column-to-column reproducibility

custom products by request with no additional cost

support and services for your GC analysis

GC Columns Dimensions Available


Internal Diameter Length* Film Thickness**
0.05mm from 1 to 5m from 0.05 to 0.25µm
0.075mm from 1 to 10m from 0.05 to 0.50µm
0.10mm from 1 to 20m from 0.05 to 1.40µm
0.15mm from 1 to 40m from 0.05 to 2.00µm


Internal Diameter Length* Film Thickness**
0.18mm from 5 to 60m from 0.05 to 2.00µm
0.20mm from 5 to 105m from 0.05 to 2.00µ
0.25mm from 5 to 105m from 0.05 to 3.00µm
0.32mm from 5 to 105m from 0.05 to 5.00 µm


Internal Diameter Length* Film Thickness**
0.45mm from 5 to 75m up to 5.00 µm
0.53mm from 5 to 75m up to 5.00 µm

Completely customize your product, selecting all combinations of sizes and also asking for out-ofcatalog configurations. Since 1980 we develop ad-hoc solutions for your specific analytical problem. We are able to even tune the selectivity of the stationary phase to respond to particular exigences.

All our stationary phases are available for FAST, Conventional, Wide-Bore and Multidimensional-GC (including GCxGC solutions and kits). Discover moreover our MEGA-DEX chiral columns, our MEGA-HT High Temperature columns and other unique and special products.

Products Highlight

Metal MTX

capillary columns for high temperature GC (up to 420°C with our HT stationary phases). You can require almost every stationary phase (even not HT) to be coated onto the high inertness metal capillary tubing. Contact us to have more details and to forward your requests.


columns, two new Carbowax phases. MEGA-WAX Plus column is an high stable PEG phase (270°C max temperature) excellent also for GC-MS analysis, truly equivalent to InnoWax columns.


column is a Crossbonded version of the well known MEGA-ACID (FFAP) phase with also an extended working temperature range.


single column, a revolutionary unique tubing column coated with two in series different stationary phases for GCxGC and MDGC applications. No connections are needed. Contact us to have more information and discover all the advantages of the MEGA-2D technology also applied to conventional-GC.

FAST Chiral MEGA-DEX columns line;

today you can speed up your chiral GC separations with the most complete line of FAST-GC chiral columns. Contact us to have more info and application notes.

Stationary Phase T max * Equivalent/Alternative to EPA/USP Methods ** Applications
100% methyl polysiloxane
350°C DB-1, HP-1, AT-1, ZB-1,
007-1, Rtx-1, BP-1,
SPB-1, CP Sil 5 CB
EPA: 504.1, 505, 551, 606,
612, 8141A/B, etc.**
USP: G1, G2, G9, G38
General purpose column.
Solvent impurities, PCBs,
simulated distillation, drugs, gases, natural gases,
essential oils, semivolatiles, pesticides, phenols, etc.
5% phenyl,
95% methyl polysiloxan
350°C DB-5, HP-5, AT-5, ZB-5,
007-5, Rtx-5, BP-5,
SPB-5, CP Sil 8 CB
EPA: 506, 611, 604, 607, 608,
8015, 8041, 8082, 8091, etc.**
USP: G27, G36, G41
General purpose column
Solvent impurities, PCBs,
hydrocarbons, essential oils, semivolatiles,
pesticides, etc..
5% phenyl,
95% methyl polysiloxan
350°C SE52 USP: G27, G36, G41 General purpose column
Solvent impurities, PCBs,
hydrocarbons, essential oils, semivolatiles,
triglycerides, pesticides, poly-waxes, etc.
5% phenyl, 1% vinyl,
94% methyl polysiloxane
350°C SE54 - General purpose column
Solvent impurities, PCBs,
hydrocarbons, essential oils, semivolatiles,
allergens, pesticides, etc.
14% cyanopropylphenyl,
86% methyl polysiloxane
280°C DB-1701, HP-1701, AT-1701,
ZB-1701, 007-1701, Rtx-1701,
BP-10, SPB-1701, CP Sil 19 CB
EPA: 513, 515.2, 552.2, 607,
619, 622, 8091, 8121, etc.**
USP: G46
General purpose column
Residual solvents , PCBs,
alcohols, oxygenates, pesticides, etc.
Ideal as confirmation column and GCxGC use.
50% phenyl,
50% methyl polysiloxane
340°C DB-17, DB-608, HP-17, AT-50,
ZB-50, 007-17, Rtx-17, BPX-50,
SPB-50, CP Sil 24 CB
EPA: 604, 608, 619, 8060, 8081
USP: G3, G17
General purpose column
Phthalate esters,
herbicides, pharmaceuticals, etc.
Ideal as confirmation column and GCxGC use.
polyethylene glycol (PEG)
250°C DB-Wax, HP-Wax,
AT-Wax, ZB-Wax, 007-CW,
Rtx-Wax, BP-20, CP Wax 52 CB
EPA: 602, 603, 619,
8015C USP 467 (OVIs), etc. **
USP: G14, G15, G16, etc
General purpose column
FAMEs, flavor compounds,
essential oils, BTEX aromatics, solvents, alcohols, etc.
Tune your Wax column polarity (i.e. WAX-20M, WAX-400,
WAX-8M and many more PEG types). Ask us for more info.

Stationary Phase T max * Equivalent/Alternative to EPA/USP Methods ** Applications
low bleeding
100% methyl polysiloxane
350°C DB-1 ms (UI), HP-1 ms,
ZB-1 ms, Rtx-1 ms, BPX-1,
Equity-1, CP Sil 5 CB ms
EPA: 504.1, 505, 606, etc.**
USP: G1, G2, G9, G38
General purpose column for GC-MS
See MEGA-1 phase.
low bleeding 5% phenyl,
95% methyl polysiloxane
360°C DB-5 ms (UI), HP-5 ms,
AT-5 ms, ZB-5 ms, 007-5 ms,
Rtx-5 ms, BPX-5, Equity-5
EPA: 513, 528, 552, 610, 613
1625, 8100, 8141A/B, etc.**
USP: G27, G36, G41
General purpose column for GC-MS
See MEGA-5 phase.
low bleeding
silphenylene based MS phase
360°C DB-5 ms (UI),
Rtx-5 ms Sil, SLB-5 ms
new column
EPA: 515, 521, 529, 552, 604,
610, 625,1613, 1625, etc.**
USP: G27, G36, G41
General purpose column for GC-MS
Dioxins and furans, herbicides, phthalate esters
POCs, chlorinated acids, etc.
low bleeding 35% phenyl,
65% methyl polysiloxane
340°C DB-35 ms, BPX-35,
BPX-608, MR2,
Rtx-35 Sil ms
EPA: 507, 508, 552, 614,
615, 622, etc.**
USP: G28, G32, G42
General purpose column for GC-MS
See MEGA-35 phase.
low bleeding 50% phenyl,
50% methyl polysiloxane
340°C DB-17 ms,
Rtx-17 Sil ms
EPA: 505, 610, 619, 614,
8040, 8041, etc.**
USP: G3, G17
General purpose column for GC-MS
See MEGA-17 phase.
low bleeding 25% cyanopropyl,
25% phenyl, 50% methyl polysiloxane
240°C unique column EPA: 8095
USP: G7, G19
General purpose column for GC-MS
See MEGA-225 phase.
low bleeding
polyethylene glycol (PEG)
250°C Stabilwax, ZB-Wax Plus,
InnoWax, VF-Wax ms
EPA: 602, 603, 619,
8015C, 8121, etc. **
USP: G14, G15, G16 etc.
General purpose column for GC-MS
See MEGA-WAX phase.

Stationary Phase T max * Equivalent/Alternative to EPA/USP Methods ** Applications
100% cyanopropyl polysiloxane
260°C HP-88, AT-Silar, Silar 10
Rtx-2560, SP-2560
BPX-70, CP Sil 88
EPA: 613, 1613, 8290B
USP: G5, G8, G48
High polarity column ideal for cis/trans
FAMEs and dioxins isomers analysis
100% methyl polysiloxane
350°C OV-101, HP-101 USP: G1, G2, G9, G38 General purpose apolar column.
13% phenyl,
87% methyl polysiloxane
340°C CP Sil 13 CB EPA: 601, 602, 624 General purpose column,
ideal as confirmation column.
20% phenyl
80% methyl polysiloxane
340°C AT-20, 007-7,
Rtx-20, SPB-20
USP: G28, G32 General purpose column,
ideal as confrmation column
methyl polysiloxane
250°C DB-200, DB-210, AT-210
007-210, Rtx-200,
SP-2401, VF-200 ms
EPA: 551, 612. 625, 8095, etc.**
Unique selectivity column.
Freon fluorocarbons, ketones, alcohols,
organophosphorus pesticides, etc.
25% cyanopropyl, 25% phenyl
50% methyl polysiloxane
260°C DB-225, HP-225, AT-225,
007-225, Rtx-225,
BP-225, CP Sil 43 CB
EPA: 8095
USP: G7, G19, G26
Mid-to-high polarity phase
Carbohydrates, sterols,
flavor compounds, etc.
35% phenyl,
65% methyl polysiloxane
340°C DB-35, HP-35, AT-35,
ZB-35, 007-11, MR2
Rtx-35, SPB-35, SPB-608
EPA: 507, 508, 513, 551.1,
615, 622, etc.**
USP: G28, G32, G42
General purpose column
Pesticides, PCBs,
substituted polar compounds, phenols, etc.
Ideal as confirmation column.
50% cyanopropyl,
50% methyl polysiloxane
260°C DB-23, Silar 5,
Rtx-2330, SP-2330
USP: G8 Mid-to-high polarity phase
sterols, FAMEs, flavor compounds, etc.
Confirmation column.
6% cyanopropylphenyl,
94% methyl polysiloxane
280°C DB-624, HP-624, AT-624,
ZB-624, 007-624, Rtx-624,
Vocol, SPB-624, VF-624 ms
EPA: 501.3, 502.1, 502.2, 601,
624, 1624, 8020, 8021, etc.**
USP: G43, 467 (OVIs)
General purpose column.
Ideal for volatile
organic pollutants, purgeable aromatics,
purgeable hydrocarbons, VOCs, etc.
Available also for GC-MS systems.
MEGA-FFAP EXT acid modified
polyethylene glycol (PEG)
250°C DB-FFAP, AT-1000, 007-FFAP,
Stabilwax-DA, BP-21, SPB-1000
Nukol, CP Wax 58 CB
EPA: 8032
USP: G14, G15, G16,
G25, G35, G39
General purpose column.
Ideal for free acids,
FAMEs, BTEX aromatics, flavor compounds,
alcohols, spirits, polar compounds, etc.
proprietary specifc phases
n.d. DB-ALC 1&2,
Rtx-BAC 1&2
- Application specifc column
for blood alcohols testing.
proprietary unique phase
for basic compounds
n.d. unique column - Application specifc column
for basic compounds analysis (i.e. amines).
phases for biodiesel analysis
(UNI EN ISO 14105)
- UNI EN ISO 14105
(ASTM 6584),
UNI EN ISO 14103
Application specifc column
for free and
total glycerine (phase stable up to 380°C)
and for FAMEs in biodiesel analysis.
proprietary unique phases for
Direct Aqueous Injections
n.d. unique columns - Application specifc column
for the introduction of aqueous
samples, thus minimizing preparation.
100% methyl polysiloxane
350°C no equivalent
on the marke
USP: G1, G2, G9, G38 General purpose apolar column
proprietary unique phase
for Lipids Analysis
370°C unique column - Application specifc column
for lipids, sterols and triglycerides
unique phase for Polycyclic
Aromatic Hydrocarbons
340°C unique colum EPA: 610, 8100 Application specifc column
for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
copolynmer polyethylene glycol +
methyl polysiloxane
n.d. Agilent "DX" columns
EPA: 505 Discover new selectivities! Choose also between
(75% PEG)...and others! Contact us!We can customize this phase as you need!
proprietary phases for pesticides,
herbicides and insecticides
n.d. new columns
EPA: 622 Application specifc columns
developed for pesticides, herbicides,
insecticides analysis etc.
PDMS optimized for
hydrocarbons analysis
350°C DB-Petro, HP-Pona,
Rtx-1 Pona, Petrocol
- Phase optimizedfor DHA (Detailed
Hydrocarbons Analysis).
1% vinyl,
99% methyl polysiloxane
350°C no equivalent
on the market
- Phase that is extremely suitable for
high film thickness columns to analyze
solvents, alcohols, volatiles, etc.
5.8% phenyl, 0.2% vinyl,
94% methyl polysiloxane
350°C no equivalent
on the market
- Phase that is extremely suitable for
high film thickness columns to analyze
solvents, alcohols, volatiles, etc.
100% methyl polysiloxane
350°C SE30 EPA: 504.1, 505, 606, 8141A
USP: G1, G2, G9, G38
General purpose apolar column
proprietary unique phases for
complex solvents mix analysis
n.d. unique columns
- Application specifc columns
developed for complex solvents mixtures
analysis. MEGA-SOLVE 2 is ideal for
aromatics and oxygenates in gasoline.
unique phase
n.d. unique column EPA: 8091, 8095 Application specifc columns
for explosives analysis, nitroaromatics,
nitramines, nitrate esters.
proprietary phases for
Volatile Organic Compounds
n.d. unique columns - Application specifc columns
for volatile organic compounds (OVIs),
solvents and purgeable compounds.

Stationary Phase T max * Equivalent/Alternative to EPA/USP Methods ** Applications
DAC Beta
230°C dex xeb
Chiral columns
Diacethyl TBS beta cyclodexstrin based column.
See and download on our website the applications
and the table with hundreds of chiral compounds
separated on our MEGA-DEX columns.
DAC Gamma
230°C dex xeb
Chiral columns
Diacethyl TBS gamma cyclodexstrin based column.
See and download on our website the applications
and the table with hundreds of chiral compounds
separated on our MEGA-DEX columns.
DMP Beta
230°C dex xeb
Chiral columns
Diethyl TBS beta cyclodexstrin based column.
See and download on our website the applications
and the table with hundreds of chiral compounds
separated on our MEGA-DEX column
DET Gamma
230°C dex xeb
Chiral columns
Diethyl TBS gamma cyclodexstrin based column.
See and download on our website the applications
and the table with hundreds of chiral compounds
separated on our MEGA-DEX columns.
DMP beta
230°C dex xeb
Chiral columns
Dimethyl-pentyl TBS beta cyclodexstrin based column.
See and download on our website the applications
and the table with hundreds of chiral compounds
separated on our MEGA-DEX columns.
DMT beta
230°C dex xeb
Chiral columns
Dimethyl TBS beta cyclodexstrin based column.
See and download on our website the applications
and the table with hundreds of chiral compounds
separated on our MEGA-DEX columns.

Stationary Phase T max * Equivalent/Alternative to EPA/USP Methods ** Applications
100% methyl polysiloxane
for high temperature
380°C high temperature
column DB-1 ht
- High temperature general purpose column.
See MEGA-1 phase.
high temperature 50% phenyl,
50% methyl polysiloxane
370°C high temperature column
DB-17 HT
- High temperature general purpose column.
See MEGA-17 phase.
high temperature 5% phenyl,
95% methyl polysiloxane
380°C high temperature column
DB-5 ht
- High temperature general purpose column.
See MEGA-5 phase.
high temperature 5% phenyl,
1% vinyl, 94% methyl polysiloxane
380°C high temperature
unique column
- High temperature general purpose column.
See MEGA-SE54 phase.
high temperature
polyethylenglycol (PEG)
300°C high temperature
unique column
- High temperature unique PEG phase.
Extend the temperature limits of your
FAST-GC and GCxGC analysis while
using a polar Wax phase!

FAST-GC Solutions

All our stationary phases are available for FAST-GC. Contact us to have more details.You can download on our free guide to FAST-GC with a tons of application notes and technical tips!

dex xeb chiral columns

Our chiral MEGA-DEX GC columns line is growing: MEGA-DEX G-01 (unique new phase able to separate Bornyl Acetate and Isobornyl acetate enantiomers in one analysis) and MEGA-DEX B-SE just announced. New chiral columns are coming. Contact us for more info and application notes!

Common Phases Polarity Quick View

Common Phases

GCxGC Solutions

MEGA offers unique and innovative products for your GCxGC analysis.

We can provide completely custom GCxGC solutions, including readyto-use kits.

The selectivity of the stationary phase plays a fundamental role in GC and it is even more important in GCxGC. Ask us to tune the selectivity of the stationary phase thus to explore new and unique solutions and to optimize the orthogonality and the effciency of your GCxGC confguration.

Mega WX

Application Notes

Visit our applications webpage to discover hundreds application notes and to fnd useful information on how to develop your analytical method. New technical notes are constantly added.

Heliflex Custom AT Heliflex AT

PRESS-AT connectors

MEGA Press-Fit connectors allow you to simply connect, with a tight seal, different columns or Retention Gaps together in many ways. Our Press-Fit connectors are custom-made to fit any tubing size and to ensure the minimal dead volume. Visit our website to download the free guide “Press-Fit Connectors Tips” and discover how easy is to use our Press-Fit connectors.

Press-Fit Unio linear connectors, ideal to connect two columns or a Retention Gap to the analytical column.

Press-Fit “Y” three ways connectors, ideal to connect two analytical columns to a single injector port or split the exit of one column to a dual detector GC system. Many other configurations are possible using MEGA “Y” Press-Fit.

MEGA produces also personalized Multiways Press-Fit connectors for advanced analytical system configurations as MDGC and other custom settings.

General Purpose RETENTION GAPs

Retention Gaps deactivated for any purpose : our Retention Gaps are suitable for any analytical needs (use with polar solvents, apolar solvents and for general use) and available in any internal diameter size (0.05, 0.075, 0.10, 0.15, 0.18, 0.20, 0.25, 0.32, 0.45, and 0.53mm I.D.). Any length is available, also in pre-cut pieces individually packaged and ready to use. We also offer specific deactivation for aqueous samples injections.

MEGA Retention Gaps have an unsurpassed chemical inertness. Use our Retention Gaps for focusing the sample components when introducing a large (liquid) sample directly into the column and/or to protect the analytical column from contamination. Retention Gaps are also useful as connecting pipes to various part of systems with different configurations.

Discover also our MEGA-GAP columns line with integrated built-in Retention Gap. No connections needed. Visit our website or contact us for more information. Original Large Volume Injection UNCORET columns (0.53mm, 12m Gap + 3m coated) available.